Rising Sun Historical Preservation Commission, Inc.

Preserving the History of Rising Sun  

Take pride in perserving the history of Rising Sun!  Become a member today, and help us preserve our community, culture and identity through research and preservation. Get the satisfaction of saving our landmarks and restoring artifacts for general public education.  Membership period is from January 1 to December 31. 

Membership Category:

__ Individual  ($15/year)  Recieve our quarterly newsletter, and advance notice of programs and events.

__ Family ($20/year)  Recieve our quarterly newsletter, and advance notice of programs and events.

__ Patron ($75/year) Recieve our quarterly newsletter, and advance notice of programs and events, and a RSHPC tee-shirt.

__ Sponsor ($100/year)  Recieve our quarterly newsletter, and advance notice of programs and events, priority registration to all events, a RSHPC tee-shirt and advertising in our newsletters and flyers.

__ Student - aged 12-18 ($5/year)

Membership Information

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Family members:________________________________________________________


Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: ________________________________   State: _______       Zip: _____________

Phone:  ___________________________        Email: ___________________________

Print your name(s) as you wish it to appear on membership card:

Please sign and date: ____________________________________________________

Please make all checks payable to the Rising Sun Historical Preservation Commission, Inc. Please print the above form and mail it, along with your check, to:

Attn: Membership
PO Box 283
Rising Sun, MD, 21911